I hope you all had a lo

vely night to welcome in the New Year. We had a lovely one with my parents. I think I went out (again) with more UFO's than I started with. I was hoping to get them down this year just past. I guess there are just too many new things to get into!
What is the project you most want to finish this year? Post a comment to inspire us (and others) - we have a lovely little fat quarter bundle for the winner.
I was given some Glace by Moda charm packs, honey bun and dessert roll for my birthday and Christmas last year. I want to design and make a quilt for next Christmas from these fabrics. I also have a Batik jelly roll bought in London in 2008 that I want to make into something me special, just need a design
I have been back into patchwork for a year now. I have finish a few projects. At the moment half way through Quiltaid quilt and have three handbags almost finished.
Sandy N
I have started blogging my weekly focus, and hope this way I will be able to finish a lot of my WISPs (Work In Slow Progress). The quit I really will have as goal to finish this year is my Joy of Love quilt which I have started to handquilt.
Oh boy don't I know the feeling ... creative minds can really become out of control sometimes. LOL!
I really want to spend more time designing a few new rag dolls this year. There are so many lovely quilting fabrics that seem to talk to me and give me inspiration.
I hope you have a wonderful and productive New Year.
Sandi @ Bearly Sane
I really need to finish the quilt I made for my son's 21st birthday - preferably before he turns 22! Ann :-)
Oh Annalisa...so many UFO's to finish....I don't think we'd be true to our craft if we didn't have an ongoing list of things we want to do!!!!
I want to begin/finish a quilt to commemorate my mother's passing to cancer 20 years ago...it will be 21 years this coming October, so that's my deadline!
sugary hugs
Wendy B :O)
Happy New Year, I have a few quilts that have been "put away" for quite a while. I am working on "Love is" at the moment. Hopefully it will be finished soon. I would also love to get some cross stitch done this year. Happy days.
I was givn a lovely pattern book as a gift and straight away went to your website and got some lovely red fat quarters to make a quilt for my couch, this quilt is sitting basted in the corner of my lounge screaming quilt me quilt me and I keep putting it off. Making new things is much more fun! I have a pile of pink and green florals to make a gypsy quilt too but I haven't started more than cutting them out and nine patches from my baby jane sewn by hand what was I thinking?
But I am proud to say with that lovely fabric from busy thimbles in reds greens and browns I made my family some really cute santa cushions for christmas that looked better than they sound will upload a photo soon so you can see them, many sleepless nights getting those out on time for christmas day but they went down a treat. I love making something special for my family to keep at christmas.
I have the (sometimes) theory that I will have one applique, oneembroidery, one hand pieceing one machine piecing and a quilt on my short arm.
this year I would like to finish ANYTHING for me!! LOL
....maybe the machine pieced "Kowboy Kaleidoscopes"....now, if only I can get past looking at the fabric and on to actually cut it.....
I have got back into my pies and tarts quilt and would like to see it on the bed before winter. I also really want to finish quilting my dear jane quilt - it is a quarter of a full size one complete with pieced triangle borders. Happy new year
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